An exemplary test suite for the popular TodoMVC application.
This package is part of PageObjectJS.
yarn add @pageobject/todomvc
This project serves as an example implementation. We use TypeScript as programming language, Jest as test runner and perform the tests with Puppeteer in a headless Chrome. The artifact published on npm contains all components written for this project.
You can find the complete code of all test cases here.
.assert(app.newTodoInput.hasFocus(), is(true), 'newTodoInput has focus (1)')
.perform(app.keyboard.type('My first todo'))
.assert(app.newTodoInput.hasFocus(), is(true), 'newTodoInput has focus (2)')
.perform(app.keyboard.type('My second todo'))
.assert(app.todoList.todos.first().label.getText(), is('My first todo'))
.assert(app.todoList.todos.last().label.getText(), is('My second todo'));
.assert(app.newTodoInput.hasFocus(), is(true), 'newTodoInput has focus')
.perform(app.keyboard.type('My todo'))
const todo = app.todoList.todos.first();
.assert(todo.toggle.isChecked(), is(false), 'toggle is not checked')
.assert(todo.toggle.isChecked(), is(true), 'toggle is checked');
Please find the API documentation here.
Copyright (c) 2017-present, Clemens Akens. Released under the terms of the MIT License.